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Arabic courses in Zurich

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We are the first and the only ones to offer this in Switzerland

our course instructors  Swiss with an Arabic intercultural background are.

Swiss culture

Integration course

Short version:

How Switzerland works

How do I deal with the new culture and what makes the Swiss tick?


You will get to know Switzerland and find out the most important things about the landscape, laws, politics, culture and the history of your new home. You will receive information about your rights and obligations, as well as everyday life, traditions, regulations and freedoms. This involves, for example, religious freedom, tolerance and equality between different social groups.

Group of three


Private lessons

Student discount

1.5 Stunden

CHF 100.-/p.p.

CHF 150.-/p.P.

CHF 200.-


© 2009-2024  | Zurich  | Switzerland

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