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Intercultural coaching 

Target group: Swiss, who have direct contact with the Arab people, and as preparation for visits to the Arab countries. (Arab business partners, tourists, patients, customers, neighbors, colleagues, or acquaintances)

           Communication – verbal and non-verbal

  • -  How does an Arab think? (Education System)

  • - Are there gender-specific differences?

  • -  Don't look me in the eyes?

  • -  What formalities do you expect from the Arab people?

  • -  Welcome?

  • -  Do you touch each other?

  • -  How do I deal with other people present and relatives?

  • -  What should be avoided as much as possible? Behaviors.

  • -  What are the expectations  in Switzerland? What idea do the Arabs come to us with?

  • ​- Body language in the Arab world.

Husseni El Hefni,
Intercultural translator and interpreter, specialty: Arab countries

Communication with Arabs


Date and location

n.V. in Zurich


Length of time
1.5 hours         (7:40 p.m. – 9:10 p.m.)

Fr. 70.- per person

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